
Shop without borders, Travel and Earn

CourierPal connects shoppers and travelers who assist each other in getting items across the world

How it works
How it works?


Need that special item from another country? Browse to see who is coming from that country?

How to request for an item from a traveler


Select a country

Start by adding your trip to see request orders


Accept an order

Go to trips page on my profile and choose the orders you will like to deliver


Make payment

Travelers will accept to bring your order with them to your city on their next trip. Pay for delivery


Get an item

Your traveler will never recieve payment until you confirm delivery of your order


See what others are saying

Alice Alice

“I got my anklets through CourierPal and if you are wondering if you shop via courierPal, the answer is yes!!!”

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Frequently Asked Questions

Check the FAQS for all your concerns

How do I get my order?

Your payment is guaranteed and secured by Grabr. Shoppers pay upfront and cannot cancel once paid.

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